IT Talks: The Interface Between Tech and Business (SE)
Embark on a journey as you delve into the insights shared by Henrik Gavelli, CEO of Redpill Linpro, and André Johansen, Region Manager of Redpill Linpro IT Management, in this episode of IT Talks. Together, they explore the world of our newly established...
- IT Talks
Blog series, part 6: Feedback and Communication
Initially, we discussed how your company can become better at attracting skilled IT developers and provided some valuable tips and advice on how your organization can improve in this aspect. Then, we delved into the recruitment process and also how...
It feels like coming home: The process of getting a job at Redpill Linpro
We talked to Jill Hertzman, who has worked for about six months at Redpill Linpro. What impression did Redpill Linpro make on her? How did the recruitment work, and what are her thoughts about her workplace today?
Sponsoring 'From One to Another': Empowering Women's Education and Sustainable Development
Redpill Linpro has initiated a sponsorship with the organization From One to Another, supporting their important work for every girl's right to education and for more sustainable societal development.Henrik Karlsson works as a system consultant at...
- Sustainability
Blog series, part 5: Reward system
Initially, we discussed how your company can improve its ability to attract skilled IT developers and provided valuable tips and advice on how your organization can enhance in this regard. Then we delved into the recruitment process and also how to...