Reflections on 2024 by Henrik Gavelli
Redpill Linpro’s year 2024 is summarized by CEO Henrik Gavelli. He reflects over a year that was distinguished by recession and challenges in all industries, including the IT world. Despite tougher times, Redpill Linpro kept growing by new initiatives with new business areas, geographical expansion, and more employees.
Read part of the interview below, or listen to the whole on IT Talks.

As we look back on the year 2024, we see both challenges and lessons learned. Henrik Gavelli, who celebrates his 10th year as CEO for the company, reflects over the year with a mix of realism and belief in the future.
Globally, the year has been distingueshied by recession, inflation and economic decline - a combination that has affected all industries, including IT. Even though, Redpill Linpro has managed to deliver strong results, even if the profits was lower in comparison with 2023. The undiminished progress of digitilazation has shown that the need of strong IT companies remain.
"There's only one way to meet the challenges, and that is to see the possibilities. In Redpill Linpro's case, this meant launching a new business area within cyber security, and a geagraphical expansion to Trondheim. In addition, Redpill Linpro continues to invest in our business areas and seizing the opportunity to attract talented colleagues", says Henrik.
Open Source is, as always, a central part in what Redpill Linpro do. This is both strategical and cultural. During 2024, employees have visited conferences such as FOSDEM and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon to keep driving the innivation and collaboration. They go to conferences and coming back with competence to share with everyone else. The will to share and strengthen each other is, according to Henrik, crucial to build a strong company.
2024 has been a challenging year, but also one that has shown the strength of innovation, openness and long-term planning. By taking responsibility for both their employees and their customers, Henrik and Redpill Linpro aim to create a stronger future for the IT industry.